Academic Success

Intelligence is Sexy

One of my favorite movies is Good Will Hunting. If you have watched the movie, then you for sure remember the bar scene; where Chucky Sullivan (Ben Affleck) is trying to pick up some girls by pretending he goes to nearby Harvard.

Then an actual Harvard student starts to mock Chucky by asking him questions about his “history” class … and right when the Harvard student steps in to make his finishing blow, socially annihilating Chucky, Will Hunting (Matt Damon) steps in and confronts him.

The brilliant dialogue represents one of the most quoted movie scenes of all time.

But in all its brilliance, what I remember most about that scene, is how my girlfriend at the time reacted. She said “WOW, that was so sexy, he is so HOT!” And then it dawned on me: intelligence is sexy.

There are some obvious primal reasons for why women find intelligence to be sexually alluring … and it goes the same for men. Despite popular opinion, studies consistently reveal that most men would prefer to be with a woman of intelligence over a woman who has little to offer intellectually.

Scientists in multiple disciplines have concluded that one of the quickest ways to increase your IQ is to improve your vocabulary. Also, neuroscientists have recently discovered that improving your vocabulary is one of the most efficient ways to make your brain perform better.

So, give your intelligence a boost by improving your vocabulary; but first, watch this clip from Good Will Hunting.

Written by Greg Ragland, President, CEO of CommEdge LLC producers of Vocabulary Zone and the corresponding Vocabulary Certifications: College Preparedness, Ph.D. Vocabulary and Executive Level Vocabulary

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