Intelligence / I.Q.

Why Improving Your Vocabulary Instantly Makes You Smarter

There are certain personal and professional advantages to appearing smarter. It’s even better when you actually are smarter. An advanced vocabulary can give a person a certain intellectual edge over people with even an average vocabulary. The more words you know, the better you will be at conveying complex thoughts or terms. The more you […]

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Why You Could – and Should – Raise Your I.Q. and Status with Vocabulary

We all know that human intelligence is measured in a large part in the way we speaks. And the way we talk is a reflection of the sophistication of our thoughts. Words are tools of thought. It makes sense that intelligent people have a larger than typical vocabulary. They think better than others so they

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The Undeniable Link Between Vocabulary & IQ

“vocabulary is probably the best single indicator of a person’s overall level of intelligence” Aside from appearance, one of the first things we notice about a person is the way they speak. The way a person talks, the words they choose, their level of articulation all work to form in us certain perceptions and conclusions.

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