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6 Tips to Help Your Child Build a Robust Vocabulary (and Boost Their Confidence)

Vocabulary represents a now critical skill in the modern world. Not only does it predict academic success, it has also proven inextricably related to intelligence quotient, or IQ. While people can certainly improve their vocabularies as adults, it is much, much easier to strengthen language skills when young. As a parent, you should be thinking […]

6 Tips to Help Your Child Build a Robust Vocabulary (and Boost Their Confidence) Read More »

Would You Follow Someone Wearing a Suit Across the Street, Illegally? The Surprising Power of Vocabulary and Image

How much does our appearance and the words we use truly impact the way people perceive us? In a world where people often make snap judgments based on appearances, clothing, and language, the power of image and vocabulary should not be underestimated. The Science Behind the Power of Image In the book Influence – Science

Would You Follow Someone Wearing a Suit Across the Street, Illegally? The Surprising Power of Vocabulary and Image Read More »

The Undeniable Link Between Vocabulary & IQ

“vocabulary is probably the best single indicator of a person’s overall level of intelligence” Aside from appearance, one of the first things we notice about a person is the way they speak. The way a person talks, the words they choose, their level of articulation all work to form in us certain perceptions and conclusions.

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