People Judge You Every Day

First Impression is Everything

FACT: Every time you enter a conversation, with every word you say … every sentence you speak … the person listening is JUDGING YOU based on what comes out of your mouth.

Every day, people make assumptions about your intelligence, your education, and your capabilities by the words you use.

We are all guilty of judging others … and with the anti-social nature of social media, it’s only getting worse.

A Creepy Vision of the Future

Have you watched the Black Mirror series on Netflix? It’s a fascinating British Sci-Fi anthology that centers around dark and satirical themes that examine modern society, particularly around the unanticipated consequences of new technologies.

One of the most poignant and creepy episodes imagines a future where the entire population has an app that enables you to rate every individual you encounter, like the way you rate Uber drivers and they rate you.

Social Media and Judging Others

If you think about it, with social media we are already creeping eerily close to this system. We all judge people’s posts on Facebook. I am not saying it’s right, it’s just human nature.

Be Mindful of Your Public Communication

If you are a regular social media poster, the scary truth is that you are being judged by hundreds, possibly thousands of people. You know what I am talking about. We have all hidden that annoying person on Facebook who constantly goes on incoherent political rants and tirades. In addition to hiding them, I also lose respect for them and think less of them.

But, let me make an important distinction: I don’t hide them because they are discussing politics. I hide them because they are incoherently rambling. In fact, I have several friends who post political opinions radically different from my own, but because they are articulate and eloquent in their posts, I still respect them and read what they have to say.

Your Career Prospects Could Be Impacted

Although technically there’s not an app today that allows people to rate you; your public communication – and appearance – is being judged every day. It’s more important now than ever that you are deliberate and hyper-aware of how you articulate your thoughts and ideas on social media (especially LinkedIn, which can directly impact your current employment security and future career prospects).

The Importance of Selecting Your Words Carefully

If you are like most people, you want to be perceived as an intelligent person with an educated and insightful point of view … versus the opposite :/ Which means it’s important to remember that every time you post on social media, people make assumptions about your intelligence, your education, and your capabilities by the words you use. So, be more selective and deliberate with your vocabulary.

Using AI to Enhance Your Public Communication

A great way to ensure that your posts are more intelligent and engaging is to leverage the power of AI, like Chat GPT, to help you craft well-articulated messages that resonate with your audience. By using AI to enhance your communication, you’ll not only make a better impression, but you’ll also save time and reduce the stress of crafting the perfect post.

AI Training Now Available in Vocabulary Zone Free Trial

We’re excited to announce that we’ve added AI Training as a part of Vocabulary Zone, including in our Free Trial of Vocabulary Zone. By signing up for the free trial, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive vocabulary-building program, as well as AI tools and resources to help you improve your communication skills and unlock your full potential.

So what are you waiting for? Start your free trial of Vocabulary Zone today and take the first step toward becoming a more effective communicator.